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Programmatic Display and Franchisors

An illustration with a woman putting users into a marketing funnel with coins coming out the other end

Current state of the customer marketing journey


63% of people requesting information are not ready to buy*


It’s not news that nearly all searches begin online, but we now know the vast majority of people are not ready to make a purchase the first time they visit your website. In fact, 79% of marketing leads do not convert into sales**. According to a report by Forrester, companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a significantly reduced cost .

How does Programmatic Display fit in and why do franchisors need it?

By now there is no doubt you’ve read and heard a good bit about programmatic display advertising and how it’s changing the marketing world. Programmatic display advertising offers incredibly precise targeting and placement – cross device, with access to space on thousands of different websites and apps.

Programmatic Display can reach prospects during both the interest and intent phases of their research. With access to more “unstructured data” than ever before, it’s possible to build custom audiences that leverage behavioral data like keywords recently searched, GPS data with time stamping, and consumer data such as buying habits and life events to influence the ideal delivery point of your content. When someone is higher up in the funnel, programmatic advertising can reach the user with interest-peaking content rather than bottom-funnel messaging such as discounted pricing, resulting in more direct searches and conversions down the road.

These data elements are utilized to create custom and integrated campaigns that leverage tactics such as Keyword Search Targeting, CRM targeting, geo-fencing, and many others to ensure that your brand is placed in the most relevant context to maximize reach to your most qualified audience. As your campaign “learns” your audience is consistently refined and optimized, influencing the time and location of your placement.

The real question is: do franchisors need to employ Programmatic Display and why?

Both franchisors and multilocation businesses have a special set of marketing challenges- there is both marketing at the corporate level and independent marketing at the individual locations. Services offered, demographics, location competition, and even buying cycles can vary. The use of programmatic marketing and the tailored reach and nurture approach that comes with it is essential to a successful digital marketing plan.

Franchisors should consider pairing programmatic display ads not only with paid search, but with SEO and their entire digital marketing strategy. Using programmatic in tandem with SEO and social media advertising ensures the best reach for new and existing prospects regardless of their stage in the buying funnel.

How can Enspire for Enterprise help franchisors leverage programmatic display advertising?

Enspire supports franchisors by creating custom and integrated campaigns that provide highly targeted reach. Leveraging unstructured data elements, your solution is composed of carefully thought out techniques and optimized toward the best performing components of your campaign.

Keyword Search Retargeting

Targeting based on keywords and entered as part of “search.”

Site Retargeting

Targeting users who have previously visited your website as they continue to browse the web.

CRM Targeting

Target users from an existing database containing email addresses, phone numbers, etc.

1st Party Addressable Geo-Fencing

Targeting specific households and physical addresses based on 1st party address list.

Category Contextual

Targeting based on specific subject matter being consumed in the browser.

IP Targeting

Targeting users by the location of their physical IP address.

Keyword Contextual Retargeting

Targeting based on keywords and phrases within the context of content viewed.

* Marketing Donut, **Marketing Sherpa, † Forrester Research