When someone visits your website, you want them to stay a while. How to go about this depends on your business and brand image. Perhaps you opt for a warm and cozy aesthetic, or a simple and minimalistic experience, or something that’s vibrant and exciting. Either way, there are a few simple yet important elements to keep in mind that, when done correctly, deliver the desired effect across your franchise websites.
This may seem like a no brainer but hear us out. This goes beyond simply having images on your website. You need an enthralling Hero image paired with appropriate text that excites the visitor as soon as they land on the page. From there, you need to make sure you pair high-quality images with the written content on the page. The secret here is to invest in your own, high-quality photos as opposed to opting for stock images. This brings additional authenticity to your brand that helps your business stand out.
Divide and conquer when it comes to your written content. Generally, only an average of 20% of the text on your website actually gets read. This is not an excuse to skimp on high-quality content. Every word counts.
This statistic means you need to get strategic with your content layout. Avoid large blocks of text as this overwhelms the reader. Instead, break up your content into small digestible paragraphs that invite your reader to keep reading. By embracing the overriding urge to scan text, you actually encourage your reader to actually read and comprehend more of the content on your website than they would otherwise. Pairing your text with the captivating images mentioned above helps to paint the literal picture of what you do and what sets your business apart.
Make it your mission to deliver one holistic experience so your website does what it is intended to do: convert. The ultimate goal of your business’ website it to drive action. You want visitors to your page to take the next step, whether that step includes filling out a form, picking up the phone, or making a purchase. You need to make sure you are telling your potential customers what you want them to do in a persuasive manner that stands out stylistically.
This element has less to do with the design and more to do with the security of your website. SSL stands for secure sockets layer (say that five times fast while stuffing marshmallows into your mouth). This digital certificate is responsible for authenticating your website’s identity in order to facilitate an encrypted connection. When you look at your URL in the address bar, does it have a padlock to the left? Then you are good to go. When visitors to your website don’t see that or are given any indication that the connection is not secure, this sends them running for the hills, i.e., hitting the back button as fast as they can and probably closing the browser all together for good measure.
Turn to Enspire for Enterprise to build or revamp your franchise website. We take pride in providing innovative and inviting websites that align flawlessly with your brand. Contact us today to learn more about the process!
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